Key Replacement
Reduce the hassle and expense of lost keys
Your key fob is embedded with sophisticated technology and should it be lost or damaged, a replacement could be very costly–and even leave you stranded. A Key Replacement Plan provides you peace of mind by covering the replacement of your key fob. Plus, every plan also includes Emergency Roadside Assistance and alternate transportation (when eligible).
How does Key Replacement work?
Benefits included with every plan:

Emergency Roadside Assistance
24/7 Emergency roadside assistance coverage for services such as: towing, flat tire changes, gas and fluids delivery, battery services, and frozen lock and lockout services–up to specified limit per disablement.
Vehicle Eligibility

Gas combustion, hybrid and electric vehicles

Most makes and models, ask your dealership representative for further details.
Legal Disclaimer
This is intended as a general overview of Zurich’s Key Protection product. Certain restrictions and exclusions apply, and benefits may differ in certain states. Please consult your contract for detailed terms and conditions. Zurich’s Key Protection contracts are administered by Universal Underwriters Service Corporation, an individual member company of Zurich in North America, in all states except Florida. In Florida, the issuing provider and administrator is Vehicle Dealer Solutions, Inc. (FL License #60132). In California and New York, UUSC operates under its d/b/a UUSC Service Company (CA License #0C17302).
All motor club benefits are provided by and the obligation of SafeRide Motor Club, Inc. Claims are administered by SafeRide Motor Club, Inc. and its affiliates. SafeRide Motor Club, Inc. is not affiliated with individual member companies of Zurich in North America.
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